(SER-SER-001) Southeast Region HQ
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Southeast Region

Southeast Region

Southeast Region ShieldSoutheast Region Headquarters is one of eight geographically divided regions in the Civil Air Patrol. The Southeast Region reports directly to the National Headquarters Civil Air Patrol as part of the command structure.  The geographic command jurisdiction encompasses the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee as well as the territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.  The Southeast Region is a corporate level tier of the Civil Air Patrol and is chartered in the direction of the Civil Air Patrol.


The Southeast Region is under the guidance of the Region Commander, Six Wing Commanders manage their wings by laying out strategic objectives to meet community needs.  The six wings are divided geographically from the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, and the territory of Puerto Rico (which includes the U.S. Virgin Islands).  

Each wing is further subdivided into groups and then squadrons.  Members at the squadron level are
the lifeblood of the organization providing the tactical roles to meet Civil Air Patrol's Congressionally mandated missions. 

General Information

Headquarters Organizational Chart


Area: 266,822 Square Miles

Coastline: 12,185 Miles

Geography:  Widely mixed from tropical to woodland and from flat plains to mountainous regions.


Personnel and Resources

Personnel: 9100 +

Media Contact

Maj. Candice Serafin
Director of Public Affairs
Southeast Region Headquarters
Email:  candice.e.serafin@ser.cap.gov

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