(SER-SER-001) Southeast Region HQ
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The Personnel Directorate is charged the management and oversight of Personnel matters and records.

Functional Address:  CAP SER/DP



Duty Position Description

Personnel technicians are responsible for a basic familiarity with all CAP personnel directives and the organizational structure of CAP. They perform all duties related to processing unit personnel actions to include new membership applications, unit activations and deactivations, charter changes, assignments, reassignments, transfers, retirements, promotions, demotions, termination, actions, and awards and decorations.

Establish and maintain up-to-date personnel files on individual members in coordination with the emergency services officer and the senior program officer. Ensure that all regulations, policy letters, and forms required to administer the unit's personnel programs are available. Research regulations to provide assistance and guidance to the unit commander and other staff members on all personnel matters as required.

Submission Of Awards And Promotions To Region

Requests for awards (CAPF 120) and Promotions (CAPF 2), with required supporting documentation are to be forwarded to the SER Personnel Director via email at daia.jung@ser.cap.gov.

Recommendations need to be reviewed, prior to submission to Region, for accuracy, completeness, correctness, legibility and inclusion of required attachments or evidence. The criteria for awards are found in CAPR 39-3 and the justification block is provided to document the event, such as facts, dates, places, actions or events and results or impact.

Missing documentation or critical information that is needed by Region Boards may cause a delay in the processing of these request.

It is appropriate for the Wing Personnel Officer to conduct this review. Requests are to be submitted by the Wing Personnel Officer, after obtaining approval of the Wing Commander. If the Wing Personnel Officer position is vacant then the Chief of Staff or a Deputy Chief of Staff in the Personnel Officer's reporting chain can submit the request.

Recommendations delivered to anyone other than the SER Personnel Director may delay our processing and delivery to the awards and promotions boards. Our goal is timely processing of these requests.

All promotions to grade of Lieutenant Colonel are submitted to Region. In addition, all promotions for exceptional qualifications and waivers of time in grade are also submitted to Region. Other promotions are handled within the Wing.

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